The Indonesian people are currently overjoyed by the upcoming 2023 SEA Games, which held in Cambodia. Instead of being proud and moved, netizens shouted insults in the comments section of the official SEA Games Cambodia Instagram account. The committee made a mistake during the opening ceremony of the SEA Games, causing widespread outrage and disappointment among Indonesian citizens. This study is a descriptive qualitative method with a sociolinguistics approach. The technique of collecting the data by using the documentation technique. The goal of this study is to discover the types and functions of taboo words in netizens’ comments about the Cambodia_2023 Instagram account. The theories of Timothy Jay (1992) and Raymond D Liedlich (1973) are applied to analyze the types and functions of taboo words. The results of the types of taboos are: (1) Epithets 41,8%, (2) Vulgarity 13,6%, (3) Cursing 7,6%, (4) Scatology 28,3%, and slang 8,7%. The functions are: (1) Discredit, (2) Creating, (3) Endearment, (4) Creating strong personal.
Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah
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