To examine the prospective association of personality with individual behavior, multibehavior and clustered health behavior profiles. A prospective study design was employed. Two hundred young adults provided baseline data and 126 (mean age: 21.6 yrs) provide complete data for a 5-month follow-up assessment (63% response rate). Personality and health behaviors (and covariates) were assessed via validated questionnaires. A multibehavior index variable was created ranging from 0-5; two separate health behavior cluster indices were created, including high (4-5 behaviors) vs. low (2 or fewer) behavior adoption and an energy balance cluster (MVPA and diet). When examining MVPA as a continuous variable, the personality trait conscientiousness was prospectively associated with MVPA and a healthy diet. Extraversion was prospectively associated with high (vs. low) behavioral clustering (OR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.00-1.40) and conscientiousness was prospectively associated with energy balance clustering (OR = 1.09; 95% CI: 1.01-1.17). Extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness were associated with select health-related behaviors. Further, extraversion and conscientiousness were associated with health behavior clustering.