
Suleimenova 1,Aldabergenova 2,Yildiz 3


1. Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

2. PhD, Associate Professor, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan

3. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Haji Bayram Veli Ankara University Ankara, Turkey


This article is a comparative analysis of the works of AhmedYasawi, a representative of the Kazakh literary tradition, and William Blake, a great poet of the English Romantic school. The study aims to identify common spiritual themes and artistic strategies in the works of these two poets, as well as to search forpossible interrelations in their poetic styles. Both poets address deep spiritual issues such as love, mysticism, and the meaning of human existence. The analysis identifies unique traits and similar motifs in Yasawi and Blake's work, demonstrating how they use artistic techniques to express their philosophical beliefs.The article helpsreaders a deep dive into the world of Yasawi and Blake's poetry, revealing the common themes and symbols that permeate their works. Not only are the texts themselves analyzed, but also the context in which they were created, reflecting the influence of cultural, religious, and philosophical factors on their work.The study intends not only to broaden our understanding of Yasawi's and Blake's poetry, but also to emphasize the universality of the themes addressed by the literature of different cultural traditions. It invites readers to immerse themselves in a world of mysticism, love, and spiritual quest, providing new keys to interpreting the works of these outstanding poets. Methodological approaches such as textual analysis, comparative analysis, semiotic analysis, literary review and critical theory were used throughout the study.The comparative analysis of the works is a relevant study that enriches cultural dialog andreveals the deep spiritual aspects of their works that are relevant to the contemporary global context.The study of these authors works has practical value for a deeper understanding of cultural and spiritual contexts, as well as theoretical value by providing a basis for a broader discussion of the influence of literature on intercultural dialog.


Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

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