1. PhDstudent, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. Candidate of Political Sciences, professor, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan
International projects are a modern instrument of international relations . International projects promote global cooperation and the creation of partnerships between countries. They aim to solve global problems such as poverty, climate change, threats to the world, and promote sustainable development. Projects in the field of economics and trade help strengthe n economic ties between countries. In international projects, one can observe the connection between the project, the company and the country. An international project may be carried out by several companies and be carried out simultaneously in several countries and in more than one geographical region.Due to globalization and the development of transnational companie s , international projects cover many countries based on the principle of mutually beneficia l cooperation and risk sharing between participating states. In this regard, the theoretical and practical analysis of international projects for future success and possible risks is being updated. International projects strengthen international ties, support economic and social developme nt, provide a platform for cooperation and strengthen interaction between countries.Along with the positive aspects of state participation in international projects, there are certain risks and challenges. The purpose of this article is to analyze international projects; the objectives of the research are to reveal the essence of an international project, consider the main directions of research in the sphere of international projects, study the impact of risks on the implementation of international projects and their analysis.The authors made an attempt to study internationa l projects in the context of international relations, identify possible tools for determining its future success and the possibility of using these conclusions in the practical implementation of globa l projects by states.
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
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