1. d.p.s., professor, Astana IT University, Astana, Kazakhstan
2. PhD, senior lecturer, JSC NCPK Orleu, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
3. doctoral student, NJSC "Karaganda University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov", Karaganda, Kazakhstan
This article presents the process of analysis and selection of materials from Kazakh children's folklore for the development of digital animated content aimed at developing the speech of young children. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the systematic approach undertaken in the analysis and selection of materials from Kazakh children's folklore for the development of educational digital animated content. Employing a detailed methodology, using the example of two works of Kazakh children's folklore, the authors demonstrated the logic of this process: works of Kazakh children's folklore were subjected to careful analysis for their educational potential, attractiveness, and relevance to the target audience of toddlers. The authors used a variety of analytical research methods, including the study of literature, comprehension of empirical material, its processing, and a thorough analysis of works of Kazakh children's folklore. As a result, considering the age characteristics of target audience (1-3 years), 15 works, which have educational potential and contribute to the formation of the speech of toddlers, as well as their upbringing in the spirit of folk traditions and values, including tongue-twisters, counting rhymes, verses were selected. This selection process highlights the importance of cultural and linguistic considerations in creating educational content for the toddlers.
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
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