1. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
The article presents the systematic nature of the terminology of the EU language policy through the construction of term nests. Terminological management techniques (inventory and ordering of terminology); derivational analysis;
terminological nesting; structural analysis in identifying terminological elements typical for the target subject area are
used to achieve the goal of the research. The methodology of the research is based on the works of leading scientiststerminologists. Nominations received as a result of processing by the terminological extractors Sketch Engine and AntConc of the research corpus based on the texts of 340 English-language official documents reflecting various aspects of the EU language policy, as well as the terms presented in the glossaries accompanying these documents make up the
material of the research. 29 nests of all types, namely 4 potential nests, 75 elementary nests, 66 chain nests, 35 fan nests,
and 110 complex nests, have been constructed. It has been found out that the term nests are an important means to systematize terminology, as they can be used to identify micro-sections of the target subject area and establish links
between them. It has been deduced that the consistency within the nest is ensured by formal and semantic connections between the terms, and the presence of common terminological elements in different nests reflects the systematic nature
of the target terminology.
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