1. Belarusian State University
The theoretical and practical significance of the study of the balance of constitutional values is noted. The main schools and teachings about balancing are considered. Doctrinal approaches to understanding the phenomenon under study are studied. It is concluded that there are no unified and unambiguous interpretations of the balance of constitutional values. Based on the provisions of the Basic Law of the Republic of Belarus and scientific approaches to the systematization of constitutional values, the author's definition of their balance is derived. The main approaches to understanding the balance of constitutional values are proposed: strategic, functional and combined. The phenomenon of imbalance of values is determined. A proposal is put forward on the existence of a presumption of balance of constitutional values. The main signs of such a balance are revealed: the relativity of the balance, the relationship and mutual influence, the absence of an unconditional character, the hierarchy, schematicity and temporality of values. It is noted that the legal nature of the balance of constitutional values is determined by the constitution, the provisions of which define the mechanism and limits of its provision.
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