Bioprinting: legal regulation


Ivankovich A.ORCID,Siamionava T.ORCID


The article deals with the definition of the essence of the concept of "bioprinting". As part of the analysis of theessence of bioprinting, the stages of this process were compared with the concepts provided for by the legislation of theRepublic of Belarus on healthcare. The stages of bioprinting were considered as a medical service, medical interventionand medical care. The place of bioprinted organs and tissues in the system of objects of civil rights is determined byestablishing their compliance with the criteria of discreteness, consistency and legal binding. The work focuses on theethical and legal aspect of bioprinting. During the study, the process of three-dimensional bioprinting was considered asan object of intellectual property, attention was paid to such criteria as industrial applicability, inventive step and novelty. 


Polotsk State University

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