1. Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk
2. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
A technique for generating schedules of movement and data transmission sessions for subscriber devices
of a simulation model for constructing a radio environment map for a cognitive cellular communication system is presented.
The technique defines the subscriber’s behaviour as pseudo-random on small time scales, but periodically
repeating over large intervals. The impact on the behaviour of several time parameters is taken into account: day types,
such as working, weekend, holiday; weekday number; the week number of the month. Scenarios are generated using
binary sequences obtained using a Markov chain and an impulse noise generator to change the subscribers state.
The software model implementation is made in MatLab package, the results of studies are presented that confirm
the correctness of the model and the possibility of using the proposed approach to form a radio environment map.
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