Wedasuwari Ida Ayu Made,Putrayasa Ida Bagus,Artawan Gede,Artika Wayan
This study aims to determine the pattern of literary literacy development carried out by the Lentera community. This study used a qualitative research design with grounded theory. This study used three data collection techniques, namely, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results of this study indicated that the modeling pattern is an effort made by the supervisor to guide and improve the literary literacy skills of members through the examples provided. The pattern of modeling development can be done by reading literature, preparing to model, observing models, basic exercises, and evaluation. The pattern of fostering creative works is a pattern of coaching to train members' writing skills with the support of good coaching, ability, and fondness for reading so that members will be able to create a new literary work. Coaching in the pattern of fostering creative works includes: reading literary works, writing literary works, relaxation, and reflection, and evaluation.
Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education