Utilization of Android-based Mobile Learning in Poetry Teaching Materials
Container-title:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
Hutagalung Trisnawati,Adisaputera Abdurahman,Sari Diah Eka
Mobile learning is a learning media that allows educators to deliver learning material to students using Android-based media. One of the courses in Indonesian and Literature Department is Teaching Prose, including poetry which allows it to be presented using android-based mobile learning. The objective was to elaborate the effectiveness of mobile learning in poetry teaching materials in Indonesian and Literature Department. All Students of Indonesian and Literature Department were taken as the object of the study an 35 of them were taken af the sample. This research uses quantitative research methods in the form of experiments and descriptive research with the type of pre-test-final-single group test (the one group pre-test-post-test). Based on the results of preliminary study, it is shown that Android-based mobile learning is effective. Learning output before using mobile based learning on poetry, the results was 73,4. Learning output after using mobile based learning on poetry, the results was 86,30. For this reason, the use of Android-based mobile learning is effectively used in poetry teaching material in Indonesian and Literature Department.
Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education