1. Paediatric Dentistry
2. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
3. Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
From the Department of Dental Specialties, Birmingham Children's Hospital. This case study describes a rare case of oral carcinoma cuniculatum in a 7 year old female. She presented with an enlarged mass of the anterior maxilla arising from the gingiva. An anterior maxillectomy with immediate prosthetic replacement and obturation of the residual defect were carried out. The management of this case was challenging given the rare nature of the disease, unclear etiology, the patient's young age and the mutilating effects of surgery. The treatment involved a large multidisciplinary team. The provision of obturators was particularly difficult due to poor patient compliance and the extent of surgery carried out in a growing child. Oral cancer in children under 15 years old is extremely rare and this is the youngest case of oral carcinoma cuniculatum reported in the literature.
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
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30 articles.