Changing the Angulation of the Tooth Germ in the Bony Crypt: A Case Report
Jang Jin-Myoung,Song Je Seon,Lee Jae-Ho,Choi Hyung-Jun,Kim Seong-Oh
An ankylosed primary molar may cause rotation or ectopic impaction of succedaneous premolar. When conventional treatment modalities such as observation, surgical exposure with or without orthodontic traction, and autotransplantation are not possible, the simple surgical relocation method could be an alternative treatment option for a lingually rotated premolar during the tooth germ stage before opting to extraction. In the case reported herein, the lingually rotated permanent mandibular second premolar tooth germ was surgically relocated within its bony crypt. Continued root development and spontaneous eruption were observed without complications during the 3.5-year follow-up period.
The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry