1. Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of the Vice President for Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado;, Email:
2. Laboratory Animal Resources, Office of the Vice President for Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
3. Office of Animal Care, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Buprenorphine is a commonly used opioid for mitigating pain in laboratory mice after surgical procedures; however, the dosing interval necessary for standard buprenorphine may require treatment every 4 to 6 h to maintain an adequate plane of analgesia. An alternative formulation that
provides prolonged plasma concentration with long-lasting effects would be beneficial in achieving steady-state analgesia. We evaluated a long-lasting and highly concentrated formulation of buprenorphine (Bup-LHC) in mice. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed to assess plasma concentrations
in male C57BL/6J (B6) and female CD1 mice after subcutaneous injection of 0.9 mg/kg. The Bup-LHC formulation provided plasma drug levels that exceeded the therapeutic level for at least 12 h in male B6 mice and was below therapeutic levels by 8 h in female CD1 mice. An experimental laparotomy
model was used to assess analgesic efficacy. Female CD1 mice were treated with either Bup-LHC (0.9 mg/kg) or saline at 1 h before undergoing an ovariectomy via a ventral laparotomy. At 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h after surgery, pain was assessed based on the following behaviors: orbital tightness,
grooming, wound licking, rearing, arched posture, ataxia, piloerection, nest building, and general activity. At 3 and 6 h after surgery, Bup-LHC–treated mice had significantly less wound licking and orbital tightness and considerably higher activity levels than did saline-treated mice.
At 12 h, wound licking, orbital tightness and activity in Bup-LHC–treated mice were no longer significantly different from those of saline-treated mice. The results of this study suggest that Bup-LHC at 0.9 mg/kg provides sufficient plasma concentrations for analgesia in mice for 6 to
12 h after administration, as demonstrated behaviorally for at least 6 h after surgery.
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Animal Science and Zoology
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10 articles.