This paper focuses on the syntax and interpretation of the adverb aşa ‘so’ used as a CP substitute. The semantic difficulty raised is that a typical adjunct can substitute for an argument CP. The syntactic problem is that, though a substitute, aşa ‘so’ may often appear in the same sentence with a CP, which determines its interpretation. Two main ingredients are used in solving these problems: a) the idea that CPs are predicative in content and combine with verbs by predicate modification (Kratzer 2006, Moulton 2015); b) the idea that in all of its occurrences, aşa ‘so’ is a demonstrative of similarity. As an auxiliary step, we have also examined another use of aşa ‘so’ as a substitute, specifically aşa as an adjectival substitute. The two substitutes have identical syntax and both have property-type interpretations.