1. Kozjevnikov A.P., Ivonina A.V. Sortoobnovlenie smorodiny chernoi (Ribes nigrum L.) metodami introduktzii i analiticheskoi selektzii [Grade updating of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) by methods of the introduction and analytical selection]. Lesa Rossii i hozyaistvo v nih [Forests of Russia and the Economy in them], 2016, no. 3, pp. 256–260. (In Russian).
2. Shavirkina M.A., Knyazev S.D., Makarkina M. A., Tovarnitzkaya M.V. Otzenka ustoichivih k muchnistoi rose sortoobraztzov smorodiny chernoi po urojainosti i biohimicheskomu sostavu [Evaluation of promising blackcurrant genotypes resistant to powdery mildew by yield and biochemical composition]. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo [Contemporary Horticulture], 2016, no. 4 (20), pp. 30–35. (In Russian).
3. Gabysheva N.S., Protopopova A.V., Sorokopudov V.N. Selektziya chernoi smorodiny v Yakutii [Results of blackcurrant breeding in Yakutia]. Vestnik Rossiiskoi sel´skochozyaistvennoi nauki [Vestnik of the Russian Agricultural Science], 2017, no. 5, pp. 46–50. (In Russian).
4. Sorokopudov V.N., Gabysheva N.S., Protopopova A.V. Ustoichivost´ sortoobraztzov smorodiny chernoi k vreditelyam v usloviyah Yakutii [Resistance of varieties of blackcurrant to pests in the conditions of Yakutia]. Plodovodstvo i yagodovodstvo Rossii [Pomiculture and Small Fruits Culture in Russia], 2017, vol. 51, pp. 187–192. (In Russian).
5. Gabysheva N.S., Protopopova A.V., Sorokopudov V.N. Ecologicheskie aspekti fenoritmiki sortov smorodiny chernoi v usloviyah Tzentral´noi Yakytii [Ecological aspects of phenorythmics of blackcurrant varieties in Central Yakutia]. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo [Contemporary Horticulture], 2017, no. 3, pp. 26–34. (In Russian).