Estimation of permeability to bacteriophages of intestinal mucosa of chickens with eimeriosis


Davydova N. V.1,Koptev V. Yu.1,Kozlova Yu. N.2,Sulimova L. I.3,Afonyushkin V. N.4,Cherepushkina V. S.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

4. Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


In the course of the study permeability of intestinal mucosa of chickens suffering from eimeriosis while treating them with various veterinary drugs, including probiotics, was evaluated. The simulation of a typical clinical picture of eimeriosis was carried out by oral administration of suspension with coccidial oocysts (1.6 × 105/head) using a probe. To create different forms and different intensity of inflammatory processes, chickens that received various anticoccidial preparations and probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis were infected with eimeria. According to the data from an autopsy, it was found that the use of a spore probiotic based on Bacillus subtilis and anticoccidial drugs containing robenidine hydrochloride and salinomycin had a positive protective effect when treating chickens from eimeriosis. A similar picture was observed when assessing permeability of intestinal mucosa as affected by bacteriophage, whereby permeability decreased with the use of probiotics and the above-mentioned active agents. In general, the decrease in productivity was significant in all groups. However, the effect of spore-based probiotics was quite pronounced against the background of eimeria polyresistance. In the situation where anticoccidial drugs are less effective, the use of a spore-based probiotic can have a noticeable protective effect. The effect of all anticoccidial drugs under study on the concentration of oocysts and the state of the mucosa was insignificant, which indicated polyresistance of different types of eimeria isolated from biological material to these drugs. The analysis of the intestinal mucosa integrity, based on the study of mucosa permeability to bacteriophages and a Johnson and Reid scoring procedure showed that a spore probiotic based on B. subtilis and anticoccidial drugs containing robenidine and salinomycin had the best protective effect against eimeriosis caused by field isolates of eimeria. When treating chickens suffering from eimeriosis caused by polyresistant forms of E. acervulina and E. tenella, it is advisable to use probiotics alongside with drugs based on robenidine and salinomycin.



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