Estimation of effi ciency of comprehensive anti-leukemia measures in agricultural enterprises


Osipova N. A.1,Agarkova T. A.1,Dvoeglazov N. G.1,Khramtsov V. V.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientifi c Centre of AgroBioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The analysis of the dynamics of changes in serological and hematological blood parameters of cattle over the period of comprehensive healthrelated measures against Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) infection is presented to assess their effectiveness. For analysis of the epizootological situation, veterinary reporting data and the results of serological and hematological diagnostics for cattle leukemia were used. The work was performed in three agricultural enterprises of the Siberian Federal District: Irkutsk Region Altai Territory and Novosibirsk Region. According to the principle of an individual approach, a programme of comprehensive diagnostic and health anti-leukemia measures for each enterprise was developed. The main purpose of these measures was to break the epizootic chain in chronic BLV infection and ultimately change the epizootic situation by reducing the percentage of infection in the livestock population. The positive dynamics of the reduction of infected and leukemiasick cattle was shown as part of a complex of antiepizootic measures, which was made possible by a deviation from the generally accepted regulations for serological diagnostics in agar gel (AGID). During the quarterly diagnosis, the infection rate decreased over 2 years from 72.41 to 1.94% in cows and from 66.6% to negative results in heifers of the breeding age. Using a more sensitive method of enzymelinked immunosorbent assay in the recovery of young and repair livestock, it was possible to reduce infection from 20.9 to 4.0% and from 43.0 to 2.7%, respectively. In this case the epizootic situation for BLV infection may be more stable due to the identifi cation of hidden carriers of the infection.



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