New cultivar of red clover Prima


Polyudina R. I.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientifi c Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The results of breeding work on creation of the new cultivar of red clover are presented. The hybrid population (15-10-D (2n)) was created by the method of crossbreeding and selection in the conditions of artifi cial climate. Selection of winterhardy high-yielding forms of this hybrid population was conducted in the forest-steppe zone of West Siberia. The population 15-10-D (2n) was tested in three cycles of competitive variety trial (crops of 2006, 2008 and 2010) and was submitted to the State variety testing under the name Prima. According to the results of the competitive variety trial during 2007–2013, the new early-ripening diploid cultivar Prima showed high winter hardiness of 97.0-99.0%. The duration of the growing season is 115 days (on the level of standard early-ripening tetraploid cultivar Meteor). The yield of green mass in two cuts is 19.6-58.7 t/ha, the yield of dry matter is 4.2-13.5 t/ha, the yield of seeds is 276-392 kg/ ha. The average yield of green mass in two cuts of the new cultivar is 38.8 t/ha, the average yield of dry matter is 8.7 t/ha, the average yield of seeds is 317 kg/ha, which exceeds standard cultivar Meteor by 52%. The seed content of Prima cultivar is 52%, Meteor – 38%. The crude protein content in dry matter is 16.1%, the fi ber content is 26.0%. Prima cultivar has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation to be grown in the West Siberian region since 2019. The copyright certifi cate and patent for the breeding achievement were received.



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