Relationship of morphometric parameters of spring barley with yield


Martynova S. V.1,Pakul V. N.1,Androsov D. E.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientifi c Centre of Agro-Biotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo Research Institute of Agriculture Novostroika


The assessment results of 106 samples of spring barley from the collection of the N.I. Vavilov AllRussian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources are presented. The effect of morphometric parameters of their productivity elements on the yield formation and the degree of their correlation is shown. The studies were conducted in 2016–2018 in a collection nursery in the forest-steppe zone of Kemerovo region. During the years of research, the meteorological conditions of the growing season were characterized by an acute moisture defi cit in May and June in 2016 and 2017 (hydrothermal coeffi cient HTC from 0.37 to 0.50) and then by excessive moisture level in 2018 (in June HTC = 2.41, in July HTC = 1.92). A signifi cant excess of yield compared to the standard Biome variety was found in two samples of spring barley from the Czech Republic: Jubilant and Svit (80.33 g) and a sample from Kazakhstan Ilek 1 (103.3 g). Eight spring barley samples showed excess of yield from a unit area compared to the standard variety from 26.6% to 63.0%. As for the complex of valuable features, the following varieties were revealed: Svit (Czech Republic), Azov (Rostov Region), Ilek 1, Ilek 16 (Kazakhstan), Shukran (Krasnodar). The closest relationship was established between the yield of spring barley and the morphometric indicators of the elements of its productivity: the number of productive stems per unit area (r = 0.8728), the biomass of the root system (r = 0.3598), the mass of 1000 grains (r = 0.3273), spike productivity (r = 0.3820). Varieties with the highest degree of economically valuable traits, selected from hybrid populations of VIR, are advisable to use for the breeding process in the soil and climatic conditions of Kemerovo region.



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