Increasing the productivity of cows through the use of premixes based on forest and mineral resources in feeding


Tereshchenko V. A.1,Ivanov E. A.1,Lyubimova Yu. G.1,Ivanova O. V.2


1. Krasnoyarsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture – Separate Division of the Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center” of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev


The influence of premixes based on forest (pine needles, pine nut shells, arabinogalactan) and mineral (bentonite clay, expanded vermiculite) raw materials on dairy productivity of cows has been studied. The experiment was conducted in the Krasnoyarsk region on three groups of Black-and-White breed cows (10 heads per group) at the age of the third calving, with a live weight of 530–550 kg. The control group was fed the basic diet, the 1st experimental group was fed a premix consisting of bentonite clay, pine coniferous flour, pine nut shells, vitamin and mineral complex and arabinogalactan in addition to the basic diet. Cows of the 2nd experimental group were fed a premix of a similar compo sition with the exception of bentonite clay, instead of which expanded vermiculite was included in the premix. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. The cows were kept tethered and walking, milking was automatic in the milk pipeline. The feeding ration corresponded to zootechnical standards. The studied premixes were fed in a mixture with concentrated feeds once a day. The research was carried out according to generally accepted methods using modern certified equipment. Feeding the cows of the studied premixes had a positive effect on milk productivity in both experimental groups, however, the greatest increase in productivity compared with the control was found in cows of the 2nd experimental group who received a premix with expanded vermiculite in the composition. Milk yield of natural fat content in this group increased by 7.60%, milk yield of basic fat content – by 14.02%, the mass fraction of fat in milk – by 0.23 percentage points, the amount of milk fat – by 14.02%, milk protein – by 9.65%. The organoleptic parameters of the milk of experimental cows under the influence of the studied premixes did not deteriorate and met the requirements of the GOST (Russian National Standard) for premium milk.



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