Production use of the Red dairy breed cows in the breeding regions of the Russian Federation


Krasnova O. A.1,Konik N. V.2,Tletseruk I. R.3,Elzhirokova Z. L.4,Ulimbashev M. B.5


1. Udmurt State Agricultural University

2. Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov

3. Maikop State Technological University; Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

4. Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural University named after V.M. Kokov

5. North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center


Analysis of production utilization of cows of the Red breeds of cattle in the Russian Federation and regions of their breeding for 2020–2022 has been carried out. Red Steppe breed, Red Gorbatov, Danish Red, Red Estonian, Swedish Red and Suksun breeds were the object of the study. In the farms of all categories and pedigree reproducers among the Red dairy breeds, the earliest age of first calving was reached by the animals of the Danish Red and Swedish Red breeds, later – by the Estonian Red breed, the minimum values of which occurred in 2021 (999 days). The increase in the age of first calving in the period between 2020 and 2022 for the Red Gorbatov breed by 127 days, Danish Red by 46 days and Swedish Red by 55 days is of concern. The Suksun, Red Gorbatov and Swedish Red breeds showed an increase in the age of retirement by 0.92; 1.16 and 0.50 of the calving. It decreased by 0.45–0.60 of the calving in the Danish Red and Estonian Red breeds. The analysis of the service period duration shows that cows of all the breeds had its level above 100 days, with the exception of 2021 for the Swedish Red breed (95 days). In all the Red "root" breeds, the duration from calving to fruitful insemination increased from 2020 to 2022. The greatest increase is observed in the Red Estonian cows (26 days) and Red Gorbatov cows (51 days). A significant increase (by 11 cows) in calf yield from 100 cows of the Danish Red breed in the breeding reproducers should be noted. There was an increase in the age of cow retirement per calving and calf yield by 6.7 calves from every 100 cows in all farm categories in the Suksun breed. Calf yield per 100 cows increased by 9 calves and in the animals of the Swedish Red breed.



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