Screening of awnless bromegrass collection samples in the taiga zone of Western Siberia


Urazova L. D.1,Litvinchuk O. V.1,Saynakova A. B.1


1. Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Peat – Branch of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents the results of the study of collection samples of awnless bromegrass from the Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) to identify donors of valuable breeding traits. The study was carried in 2015-2018 in Tomsk region. The soils of the experimental plots were sod-podzolic, sandy loam by granulometric composition, with a humus content in the arable layer of no more than 2%. The recorded area of the plot was 0.5 m2. The trials were repeated two times. Procedures for trial establishment, phenological observations, harvest recording and data processing were performed in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute, VIR and the State Variety Testing Methodology. The years of the study were characterized by uneven distribution of heat and moisture during the growing season. This made it possible to identify the most adaptive samples for selective breeding of awnless bromegrass which can be used as a hay and pasture plant in the taiga zone. The following valuable source materials were selected for tall varieties: Khabarovsky, Titan, Vozvyshensky, SibNIISkhoz 88; samples of wild plants Yakutia (K-14215), Vologda (K-14224), Omsk (K-14228), Sverdlovsk (K-14209) regions, a local sample of Tomsk region (K-14226). The following samples resistant to fungal diseases were identified: Morshansky, Khabarovsky and Erkeeni varieties; samples of wild forms of Irkutsk (K-14221, К-14227), Vologda (K-14212, К-14224), Omsk (K-14228) regions, a local sample of Tomsk region (K-14226). The following high-yielding varieties in terms of fodder mass were recognized: wild forms of Vologda region (K-14212, К-14222) and a local population of Tomsk region (K-14214); highly leafy varieties: Primorsky 46, SibNIISKHoz 88, wild forms of Komi (K-14208), Irkutsk (K-14227), Vologda (K14212, К-14224) regions, local samples of Tomsk region (K-14214, К-14226); varieties with high seed yield: Duet, Primorsky 46, Erkeeni, wild forms of Vologda region (K-14212, К-14224), a local sample of Tomsk region (K-14226). Based on the set of the main economically valuable traits for sowing in a polycross nursery, samples of wild plants from Vologda region (K-14212, К-14224), and local samples of Tomsk region (K-14214, К-14226) were selected.



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