1. Siberian Research Institute of Plant Production and Breeding – Branch of the Federal Research Center “Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
The need for vernalization is a duration-dependent effect of low, positive temperatures in order to ensure the plants' transition to generative development. If the requirement for the duration of germination is not met, the plant will not enter the stage of forming generative organs. The vernalization requirements of winter soft wheat samples of different geographical origins are determined. An assessment of the vernalization period duration influence on the severity of the elements of the yield structure is given. The research material consisted of 15 cultivars of soft winter wheat of various geographic origin. The samples were germinated in paper rolls, then vernalized in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 3–5 ºС for 60, 50, and 40 days. At the end of vernalization, 10 plants of each sample were planted in a greenhouse. The dates of the onset of phenological phases were noted: tube emergence, earing, flowering. To determine the main elements of the yield structure, a structural analysis of plants was carried out. With an increase in the vernalization period, a decrease in the interfacial periods from tube emergence to flowering was noted. The influence of the timing of vernalization was noted on the manifestation of the spike length trait. It was found that the total number of stems and the number of productive stems in almost all varieties decreases with an increase in the period of vernalization. Significant differences between collection varieties in the need for vernalization, due to both their geographical origin and the genotype of plants are revealed. In all the studied forms, with an increase in the period of vernalization, the rate of plant development increased to varying degrees, the total number of stems, the productive stem and the length of the spike decreased.
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