1. Chuvash Research Agricultural Institute – Branch of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the NorthEast named N.V. Rudnitsky
The data on morphobiological features and the main indicators of quality of the grain variety Civil are presented. The results of competitive testing are given, and the adaptability of the variety to different conditions of cultivation is shown. The need to develop early-ripening soybean varieties for agricultural production in the northern regions of Russia is noted, since the varieties with a growing season of 110-125 days do not ripen. Breeding work on soybean varieties was carried out at the experimental site under field conditions. The soil of the experimental field is gray forest heavy loam with a humus content of 4.1, close to neutral (with a soil solution reaction of 5.7), with a high content of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. The new variety Civil has a growing season of 83-105 days. The soybean variety of the northern ecotype Civil (breeding number 116 4/7-1sk) was bred by multiple individual selection in a hybrid population of F3-F8 obtained from the offspring of Chera-1 x SOUTH 30. The variety has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation since 2022 for the Central region (3). The new variety is characterized by early maturity, high yield, its potential yield exceeds 3.8 tons of grain/ha. The Civil variety differs from the zoned varieties by an increased oil content. The fat content in soybean seeds of this variety reaches 24%, which is 1.8% higher than that of the SibNIIK 315 standard variety. The inclusion of a new early maturing soybean variety of the northern ecotype Сivil in the soil and climatic conditions of the midland will contribute to the promotion of the crop in the northern regions of Russia.
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