Features of selection of microorganisms in the composition of a new probiotic drug for farm animals


Funk I. A.1,Ott E. F.1


1. Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies


Nowadays, the idea of healthy eating is gaining popularity, which makes consumers interested in environmentally friendly and biologically nutritious animal products. In this regard, the development of probiotic preparations for farm animals and determination of the effectiveness of their use become urgent tasks. Important stages in the creation of new biopreparations are the study and selection of the most suitable strains, as the probiotic effect of the microorganisms included in the inoculum is determined by a set of technologically valuable properties they possess. In the course of the study, technologically valuable properties of 12 strains of lactobacilli and 15 strains of propionic acid bacteria from the Siberian Collection of Microorganisms (Laboratory of Microbiology of Milk and Dairy Products, Siberian Research Institute of Cheesemaking, FSBSI “Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies”) were studied in order to include them in the composition of a new probiotic preparation for farm animals. It was found that all the considered strains of lactic acid bacilli actively digested carbohydrates included in the composition of plant substrates, as well as maintained their abundance not below the therapeutically significant level for 60 days. Propionic acid bacteria produced 0.48 ± 0.01 to 0.64 ± 0.06 μg/cm3  of vitamin B12 and remained viable in numbers of tens of millions of cells for 6 months. As a result, two strains of lactic acid bacilli (SCM 673, SCM 681) and three strains of propionic acid bacteria (111, 112, 149) were selected according to the best manifestation of technologically valuable properties as promising for inclusion in the composition of a new probiotic preparation for farm animals.




General Medicine

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