Kubu Gadang village has been included in the category of developing tourist villages that are heading towards the phase of advanced tourist villages but are constrained by the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic. In the condition of a pandemic, need a strategy for recovery. Before formulating a strategy, there needs to be a stage to analyze the position of Kubu Gadang tourist village with the life cycle approach. The researchers conduct qualitative methods, by observation, and in-depth interviews, so that the data obtained is then analyzed internally and externally to find the conduit of Kubu Gadang village based on the position of the life cycle of tourism attraction which then the data is processed with SWOT analysis to produce and formulate strategy. Position of Kubu Gadang tourist village which is now development period then further prepare to consolidation phase with a strategy to increase achievements with innovation following health protocols, accelerate collaboration to develop international investments, immediately socialize to the community for digital change so that it becomes an added value of Kubu Gadang Village, then increase community facilities and collaboration for the development of attractive attractions, homestay, and culinary.
TROAS Uluslararasi Turizm Arastirmalari Dernegi
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