The Effects of Social Media and Micro Celebrities on Touristic Purchase


OKTAY Zeynep Ceren,KORKMAZ Halil1


1. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi


Social media permeates every aspect of human life and includes individuals of all ages. It attracts people as an instant news source and the rapid realization of interaction between individuals or masses. Social media has emerged with various social networking platforms as a result of the development of the internet as Web 2.0 in our daily lives. These platforms, which increase and develop with the development of technology, give people the opportunity to have a space where they can express themselves more easily. At the same time, they have started to follow individuals called micro-celeb who they think to be like themselves and interact with their posts. This attracted the attention of businesses and they started to advertise these people who are followed on social platforms. The internet, which has become a part of human life, as well as social media has become an attractive area for promoting touristic places and products. It is a remarkable feature that with social media it is easy to reach the masses. In this study, it was tried to measure the effects of social media and its micro-celebs on people's decision-making processes with the help of a survey study. According to the results, the effect of social media on people is seen.


TROAS Uluslararasi Turizm Arastirmalari Dernegi

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