Crisis and Crisis Management: An Evaluation on the Use of Aviation in Forest Fires


KURNAZ Salim1,SUNAR Osman Nuri




Crisis management, which is a management technique aiming to increase organizational efficiency, is an important management tool in terms of preparing institutions and organizations against unexpected events such as natural disasters and keeping the changing environment under control. Forests are under the threat of various factors in Turkey as well as all over the world. Of these, forest fires cause damage to forests of different sizes and loss of forest areas almost every year. In Turkey, within the scope of public administration, studies are carried out on the protection of forests from fire, preventive and extinguishing of fires. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the concepts of crisis and crisis management within the scope of forest fires and to increase the efficiency of use of aircraft within the scope of preventing and extinguishing forest fires in Turkey. In addition, it is aimed to reduce the reaction of the society during forest fires and to contribute to the protection of nature. Within the scope of the study, academic publications on crisis management and forest fires and the publications of authorities, institutions and organizations are considered as secondary data sources. The data obtained were evaluated using the literature review method. In addition, the results obtained are discussed in a perspective on the use of aviation in the prevention and extinguishment of forest fires. In our research, evaluations on the development of forest fire response and prevention measures and the more effective use of aircraft in this context are included. The recent forest fires have shown that the social response is increasing with every second of delay in responding to push-fires and wild-fires, and these events are seen as a deficiency of the administration. With the evaluations included in our study, the reaction in the society will be reduced and the management will be improved. It will also contribute to the protection of nature.


Turk Hava Kurumu Universitesi

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