Analysis of training and visualization of proposed mathematical symbols for blind students


Vandana Vandana,Singla Anshu


The present life has become challenging. In this highly competitive world, it has become very difficult for normal people to compete. If normal people are to struggle in extreme, then it’s really difficult to imagine what complications the visually impaired face. The hardships and struggles faced by the visually impaired are in learning mathematics. In this study, effort is made to lessen the challenges faced by the students to learn advance level of mathematics. In this research, the focus is given to the mathematical symbols which have been categorized based on the functionality. An effort is made to present the symbol in a shape very close to the actual shape of the symbol. This will align the conceptual and advance learning without any variation for the blind students. To make this research effective, the research was implemented in two blind schools, one in Punjab and one in Chandigarh. A new framework is designed for training purposes based on the system followed in both blind schools. Training was imparted in both the schools and analysis was done on the outcome to show how much the new framework will be effective for the visually impaired students. To comprehend the effectiveness of the research, analysis was done on blind students, the teachers, and the parents.


Taru Publications







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