A mathematical model for secure Cloud-IoT communication: Introducing the revolutionary lightweight key mechanism


Shrimant Gaikwad Vidya,Ravindranath K.,Prasad Gudapati Syam


Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology in telecommunications that focuses on wireless, remote communication. It involves connecting various smart devices to build a network that can transfer data through the cloud. In this type of environment, challenges such as device life span of battery, space needed for storage, consumption of power, and data security for cloud IoT have been identified. This work presents the design and implementation of a secure lightweight key establishment system for the integration of IoT Cloud. A Symmetric Lightweight Algorithm is utilized to enhance the security of Cloud IoT. To improve the efficiency of key setup time, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is applied. The use of AES algorithm in combination with Cloud and IoT Security ensures efficient and consistent performance across software and hardware platforms in various environments. This integration allows for the connection of various smart devices and sensors to Cloud IoT services, facilitating the sharing of sensor readings while addressing security concerns. Before any data is transferred, we securely authenticate both the cloud server and IoT device and generate unique session keys for each new communication session. We conclude by discussing about how cloud computing helps IoT technology achieve secure connection by overcoming various security challenges.


Taru Publications


Applied Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis








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