1. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing, PR China
Abstract: This research aims to develop a 15-item short form of the WOQ (WOQ-SF) and provide evidence for its reliability and validity. In Study 1 ( N = 305), we simplified the WOQ into a short version in line with the scale reduction procedure and recommendations ( Kruyen et al., 2013 ; Stanton et al., 2002 ). The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) reveals that the five factors of the WOQ-SF are conceptually distinct and correlated with each other. In Study 2 ( N = 442), the psychometric properties of the WOQ-SF were investigated. The findings of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirm a good factor structure. In addition, the measurement invariance of this shortened scale was examined across gender, age, education level, and job tenure. Regarding validity, significant correlations between the WOQ-SF and the original WOQ were found. Furthermore, the WOQ-SF demonstrates relationships with career satisfaction, work engagement, job satisfaction, and career planning, providing evidence for its validity. In sum, the WOQ-SF shows good psychometric properties comparable to the WOQ, suggesting it is a suitable alternative.
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