Fuadah Dina Zakiyatul,Siswoaribowo Andika
Background: The 2019 ongoing coronavirus disease around the world. One of the impacts is in the field of education. As a result, the learning process is carried out at home through online/distance learning. This study aimed to determine the relationship between online learning methods and the stress level of parents of children aged 7-9 years in the COVID-19 pandemic season at MI Da'watul Khoiriyah, Nambakan Hamlet, Ringinrejo District.
Methods: This research design is cross-sectional. The sample size is 37 respondents using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using a nonparametric test in Spearman's nonparametric Statistic Test. Based on the study's results, it was found that most of the respondents (70.8%), as many as 26 online learning had good categories
Results: Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents (48.6%), as many as 18 stress levels of parents of children have a mild stress category. The results of the Spearman's Rho Nonparametric statistical test obtained a p-value: 0.005 (a < 0.05) with r = 0.457 (sufficient intensity) with a positive direction, meaning that there is a relationship between online learning and the stress level of parents of children during the Covid-19 pandemic season in MI Da' Watul Khoiriyah Dusun Nambakan Ringinrejo.
Conclusion: It is recommended that parents be able to reduce stress on themselves, make the right decisions, and build exemplary communication with their children to improve children's learning at home
Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera
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