1. 1) Havel RJ. 1989. Water-soluble vitamins. In: Recommended Dietary Allowances (Food and Nutrition Board and the Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of RDAs, ed), 10th ed, p 115-173. National Academy Press, Wahington DC.
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3. 3) Ball GFM. 2004. Flavins: Riboflavin, FMN and FAD (vitamin B2). In: Vitamins. Their Role in the Human Body (Ball GFM, ed), p 289-300. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford-Ames-Carlton.
4. 4) Ball GFM. 2004. Vitamin B6. In: Vitamins. Their Role in the Human Body (Ball GFM, ed), p 310-325. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford-Ames-Carlton.