Users’ expectations of public library services


Borko Tanja,Zabukovec Vlasta,Južnič Primož


ABSTRACTPublic libraries are used by a wide range of users. Therefore they should offer as many different services as possible. The proper introduction of library services to the users can be monitored by measuring their expectations. The article represents the services, which public libraries should offer to their users, definition of the expectation and which factors influence forming the expectations. 60 users were interviewed in two public libraries. The purpose of research was to find out how expectation differs from public library service offer. The results show that most users expect traditional library services such as free access to books, loaning books, giving information over the phone, reading rooms and inter-library loan; furthermore, most users expect library consultancy and advisory services, access to the Internet, public library website, on-line library catalog and services for the youngest members of the library. Fewer users expect guided tour of the library and information on cultural events in the city. Very few users expect modern services, such as provision of electronic publications, courses or lectures for using the Internet and other electronic sources, special courses, such as how to write a scientific research, and services for leisure and recreation, such as organized trips, and fun activities, such as arranging flowers, painting, sawing, etc.


University of Ljubljana

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