Generating topographic plans of oil and gas industry depending on a surveying method


Altyntsev Maxim1,Altyntseva Marina2


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Department of Engineering Geodesy and Mine Surveying, Plakhotny str., 10, 630108, Novosibirsk, Russia

2. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Plakhotny str., 10, 630108, Novosibirsk, Russia


The territories of oil and gas deposits are represented with complicated and diverse industrial objects. During their operation and building of new constructions it is necessary to conduct topographic survey. Various methods are used for this purpose. The selection of these methods is determined by the degree of area build-up, its size and scale of the topographic plan being created. Aerial methods of topographic surveys are relevant when mapping large territories. Terrestrial methods are used more often when surveying oil and gas objects. Among terrestrial methods classically are accepted tacheometrical survey and GNNS measurements. Terrestrial and mobile laser scanning currently gained great popularity. Introduction of laser scanning methods allowed users to significantly speed up field works keeping high accuracy of obtained data. The advantages of laser scanning application comparing to classical methods when surveying oil and gas deposits are described. It is discussed what cases of classical method application can be more preferable. To cover all the bases the description is provided on the basis of 3 deposit parts, which are different in the degree of area build-up and have different requirements for topographic plan creation as follows: scale, need to input semantic information, a format of representing the result. Introduction of new survey methods requires developing appropriate data processing techniques. As a rule, each new survey territory has its own features which should be taken into account when developing new techniques. The techniques for creating topographic plans using terrestrial laser scanning, mobile one and GNNS measurements are described.


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