1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, High School of Innovative Business, Leninskie gory 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia;
The idea of achieving energy security and lowering the dependence on the global hydrocarbon market is at the top of the agenda in many countries. Most of them consider switching from traditional energy sources to renewable ones as one of the ways to reduce fuel import. This concept absolutely conforms to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal no. 7, “Affordable and Clean Energy”). In May 2019, the Government of Uzbekistan Republic adopted the law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). By 2030, Uzbekistan is going to increase the share of RES in the total structure of electricity generation up to 25 % (currently it is at 10 %), by building solar and wind farms with a total installed capacity of 5,000 MW and 3,000 MW, respectively. The energy-deficient Bostanliq district of the Tashkent region has become one of the places of interest, where transport infrastructure, recreation services, and renewable energy will be developed. The purpose of this study was a multivariate analysis, considering the meteorological, ecological, and socio-economic characteristics of the Bostanliq district, leading to the selection of the optimal location for the wind farm. The assessment map based on the results of this analysis made it possible to identify areas that are most suitable for the location of wind power plants. The assessment method, that was used in this work, is also applicable to other regions of the world.
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