Air pollution from stationary sources: analysis of visualization capabilities using interactive infographics


Gribok Marina1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Leninskie Gory 1, 119991, Moscow, Russia;


The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of visualizing data on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources using interactive infographics. We used data posted on the official website of Rosprirodnadzor on various characteristics of emissions from the level of municipalities to Russia as a whole. Examples of visualization of similar data are presented in the reports of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the National Atlas of Russia and the Environmental Atlas of Russia. We have reviewed software products for creating interactive infographics, including geo-infographics. Among them, we chose the online service Datawrapper, where a template for a map of Russia in its modern borders is available to users. Methodological recommendations for displaying emission data using interactive infographics for different levels of information generalization are presented. Examples of interactive infographics have also been created: a map of polluting emissions by municipalities and bar charts of the dynamics of some specific pollutants emissions. The article contains links to online versions of the resulting interactive graphics. It is concluded that interactive infographics are a technological, convenient and accessible tool for a wide range of users to visualize data on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Visualization of this type of data is necessary for the field of environmental monitoring and management, in the field of environmental education and enlightenment activities. The integration of geoinformation technologies and technologies for creating interactive infographics is a promising direction for further research.


LLC Kartfond

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1. New technologies for modern geoinformatics;InterCarto. InterGIS;2022







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