Creating a fault map of the Central-Kamushovy meganticlinorium of the Western Sakhalin mountains by space survey data


Melkiy Vyacheslav1,Kuptsova Olesya2,Verkhoturov Alexey3


1. Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Far Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Volcanology and volcano hazard, 1B, Nauki str., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693022;

2. Sakhalin State University, Technical Oil and Gas Institute, 2 Pogranichnaya str., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 630023, Russia;

3. Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Far Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Center for collective use, 1B, Nauki str., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693022, Russia;


The network of fault zones caused by vertical and horizontal tectonic displacements blocks of Earth’s crust relative to each other is clearly visible on the Earth’s surface in images obtained from satellite surveys. Many researchers distinguish linear and annular structures among the faults. Lineaments in satellite images are detected as rectilinear objects with a certain spectral brightness. The initial data for the experimental research includes images from the Landsat-8 satellite and SRTM data. The lineament analysis of satellite images and SRTM data of the Central-Kamyshovy meganticlinorium of the West Sakhalin Mountains was carried out using the functionality of the LEFA software package using the developed decryption technology. The obtained results were processed using the QGIS program tools. Statistical processing of Sakhalin lineaments was carried out on the basis of researching distribution directions of linear segments set of vector strokes data and lineaments data. The map of disjunctive disturbances of the Central-Kamyshovy meganticlinorium of Western Sakhalin Mountains on a scale 1:500 000 was compiled by basis of data obtained. The analysis of SRTM model with the help of LEFA toolkit made it possible to identify zones where discontinuous disturbances of the Earth’s crust are located. As a result of analysis, West Sakhalin fault and many other faults of a rank below 2 were identified. Fault zones are mapped on scale of 1:500 000. It was revealed that 15.3 % of all earthquakes in this area were timed to the Krasnopolsky fault, including in the zone within 1 km from the fault—70 %, 1–2 km—19 %, 2–3 km—9 %, more than 3 km—2 %. The results of work will be useful in choosing places for construction of industrial facilities, as well as for seismic zoning of territory.


LLC Kartfond


General Engineering

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