1. Federal State Budget Institution of Science “Federal Research Center The Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Chehova str., 41, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, Russia;
The shores of the Sea of Azov are exposed to dangerous exogenous geological processes—abrasion, landslide processes, beach erosion. For more effective monitoring, spatial analysis and risk assessment of the above-mentioned hazards, a geoinformation system (GIS) “Coastal processes in the Sea of Azov” has been created. GIS contains: the results of field observations of coastal processes on the reference network for more than 60 years, historical maps, data from literary sources, Earth remote sensing data—satellite images and aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles, observation data from coastal hydrometeorological stations, ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data, automated sea level monitoring data in the coastal zone.
GIS “Coastal processes in the Sea of Azov” was implemented on the ArcGIS 10 software platform. All data are structured in the basic blocks (a block of basic spatial model, a block of information about the shores and the natural environment, a block of field research, a block of remote observation data, a block of socio-economic information, a block of analytical information), each of which relies on spatial databases that were created as a result of the systematization of relevant information.
A number of decision support tools to assess the danger and risk of abrasive and landslide processes in the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov, have been developed. They are embedded in GIS and have the possibility of spatial visualization. The created geoinformation products make it possible to identify the most dangerous areas of the coast for the subsequent prepare a list of measures and decision-making to ensure their safety. Access to the work results is implemented through a cartographic web interface.
Reference28 articles.
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