Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes
Reference36 articles.
1. \bibitem{BWM} K. I. Beidar, W. S. Martindale and A. V. Mikhalev, Rings with Generalized Identities, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 196. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1996.
2. \bibitem {x24} K. I. Beidar, Rings of quotients of semiprime rings, {\it Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser I Math. Meh. (Engl. Transl:. MoscowUniv. Math. Bull.)} 33 (1978), 36-42.
3. \bibitem {bre1} M. Bre\v{s}ar, On the distance of the composition of the two derivations to be the generalized derivations, \emph{Glasgow Math. J.} 33 (1) (1991), 89-93.
4. %\bibitem{chang} C. M. Chang, Power central values of derivations on multilinear polynomials, \emph{Taiwanese J. Math.}, 7 (2) (2003), 329-338.
5. \bibitem{a1} C. L. Chuang, GPIs having coefficients in Utumi quotient rings \emph{Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.} 103 (1988), 723-728.