Managing da’wah means carrying out a planned da’wah activity so that the truth of Islamic teachings can be well received by society as Da’wah Partners. Indonesia is a diverse country, with its religions, ethnicities, and races. Managing diversity is not an easy matter, it requires mutual understanding and comprehension, and the awareness that we are created by God differently. Hence, religious moderation attitude needs to be built that is not affiliated with political or personal interest and theological dogmatism. Nonetheless, it does not mean being unprincipled but avoiding extreme attitudes in looking at and understanding existing problems. This study uses a multicultural approach, to unravel the "common thread" of existing problems while providing contributions to their solutions. Religious moderation is not only about "moderating" the thinking and behavior of preachers but also guiding the process or stages in a managerial way.
Keywords: management, da’wah, diversity, moderation, religion.
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