Bio-Control of the Lesion Nematode Pratylenchus coffeae Using Lixiviate from Banana Rachis (Musa sp.)


Pacome Seri Serge,Phillipe Gnonhouri,Patrice Assiri K.,Turquin Louise,Theodore Serge V. O.,Koutoua Séka,Diallo Hortense A.


The efficiency of lixiviate on the tolerance of plantain to root attacks of Pratylenchus coffeae has been examined. During the growing phase which lasted a month, four different treatments were applied to Banana plants of cultivars CORNE 1 and PITA 3: lix- (no lixiviate), lix100 (100% lixiviate), lix25 (25% lixiviate) and lix5 (5% lixiviate). Then, these plants were inoculated with 500 individuals of P. coffeae to assess the effect of lixiviate treatments against nematodes on both cultivars CORNE 1 and PITA 3. This study showed that 5% lixiviate and 25% lixiviate doses gave better agronomic parameters (mass of root system, the collar circumference, pseudo stem height, leaf area and a number of leaves) evaluated on vivoplants. Cultivars CORNE 1 treated with 25% lixiviate dose and cultivars PITA 3 treated with 5% lixiviate dose, gained tolerance against nematode’s attacks. Otherwise, cultivars PITA 3 were resistant to nematodes after 25% lixiviate dosage because P. coffeae were reduced by 80 % in this treatment. The results presented in this work are encouraging for the development of biological control methods of banana nematodes by lixiviate


EScience Press


Plant Science,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Agronomy and Crop Science

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