Social media is a medium that removes time and space limitations. It has gained popularity over the last two decades, especially among young adults. With the growing popularity of social media, researchers have turned their attention to study social media addiction, which is a new type of addiction. However, no study has been conducted to examine the relationship of social media addiction with rules and boundaries. The aim of this study is to understand the experiences of social media addicts related to rules and boundaries. For this purpose, the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), which is a qualitative research method, was chosen. Accordingly, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants. The obtained data were analyzed in accordance with IPA guideline. As a result of the analysis, two themes emerged: (1) social media as a medium of limitlessness and (2) positioning with respect to the authority figures. These emerging themes are discussed within the framework of Lacanian Psychoanalytic theory.
Ayna Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi
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