Restinga ectomycorrhizae: a work in progress


N. M. Furtado AriadneORCID,Leonardi Marco,Comandini Ornella,Neves Maria Alice,C. Rinaldi AndreaORCID


Background: The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial ecoregions of the world. Among its constituents, restinga vegetation makes a particular case, acting as a buffer zone between the oceans and the forest. Covering some 80% of Brazilian coastline (over 7,300 km in length), restinga is a harsh environment where plants and fungi interact in complex ways that just now are beginning to be unveiled. Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, in particular, plays a so far ungauged and likely underestimated role. We recently described the morpho-anatomical and molecular features of the ectomycorrhizae formed by several basidiomycetous mycobionts on the host plant Guapira opposita, but the mycorrhizal biology of restinga is still largely unexplored. Here, we report new data on the ectomycorrhizal fungal symbionts of G. opposita, based on the collection of sporomata and ectomycorrhizal root tips in restinga stands occurring in southern Brazil. Methods: To obtain a broader view of restinga mycorrhizal and ecological potential, we compiled a comprehensive and up-to-date checklist of fungal species reported or supposed to establish ectomycorrhizae on restinga-inhabiting host plants, mainly on the basis of field observations. Results: Our list comprises some 726 records, 74 of which correspond to putative ectomycorrhizal taxa specifically associated with restinga. These include several members of Boletaceae, Amanita, Tomentella/Thelephora, Russula/Lactifluus, and Clavulina, as well as hypogeous fungi, like the recently described Longistriata flava. Conclusions: Our survey reveals a significant diversity of the restinga ectomycorrhizal mycobiota, indicating the importance of this symbiosis for the ecological functioning of a unique yet poorly known and threatened ecosystem.


F1000 Research Ltd


General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine







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