Background One of the serious cardiovascular conditions is peripheral arterial disease; in which distinctive feature is diminished blood supply towards the lower extremities, frequently because of atherosclerotic occlusive disease. Methods We will compare arterial Doppler with digital subtraction angiography in peripheral lower limb occlusive arterial sickness; to determine Peripheral Arterial Disease along with its location and stenosis severity on Duplex Ultra-Sonography and Digital Subtraction Angiography; and to determine the segment-to-segment agreement of the arterial tree within Duplex Ultra-Sonography and Digital Subtraction Angiography. Implications This will encourage the participants for periodic investigation and proper use of medications which will improve hospital/facility outcome. It will be helpful for older individuals how are more susceptible to peripheral artery disease. A fair accurate treatment options will be given to patients. Limitations Findings will only be applicable to our organization because the study will be done at one tertiary care hospital, limiting their external validity and generalizability.