In the 21st century, impact of social media, particularly Social Networking Sites (SNSs) has been linked to a wide range of human beliefs and expectations. Growing body of research has indicated that body image concerns along with exercise motivation and social comparison are on the rise among young adults. The present study aimed to examine the sex difference in body image, exercise motivation and social comparison among people who use Instagram in the age group 20-30. A total of 212 participants (men=106, women=106) aged 20-30 years, who are users of Instagram completed Body Self Image Questionnaire Short Form as a measure of Body image, Exercise Motivation Inventory – 2 as a measure of Exercise Motivation and Instagram as a Tool for Social Comparison as a measure of Social Comparison. Results showed that a significant difference in body image exist across gender with body image issues higher among females and significant difference in exercise motivation across gender with exercise motivation higher among males. No sex differences were seen in social comparison. It was concluded that body image concerns are higher among females and the drive for exercise is higher among males who used Instagram. It was found that body image concerns were higher among people who exercised regularly as well as among those who followed fitness related pages on Instagram as compared to those who did not. These results provide an insight into the sex differences between the variables and future directions can be aimed at conducting an in-depth analysis using body image, exercise motivation and social comparison.