Introducing technology of planting methods to increase rice production for sustainable farmers’ income


Witjaksono JulianORCID,Indrasti Rita,Bungati Bungati,B Markus Rawung Jefny,Sehat Tan Siti,Gaffar Abdul,Sunandar Nandang,Sirnawati Enti,N Manoppo Conny,Assagaf Muhammad,Sulistiono Wawan,Sihombing Donald,Handayati Wahyu,Purba Resmayati,Asmin Asmin


Background: Rice self-sufficiency is still a great concern in Indonesia; in order to feed the population of 270 million people, farmers must implement new technology to boost rice production. This study aimed to provide information on the differences between direct seed planting and its conventional counterpart in terms of productivity and farmer income. Secondly, we aimed to characterize the productivity and farmer income for two legowo planting systems (legowo 4:1 and legowo 2:1). Finally, farmers’ perceptions of the legowo implementation were evaluated. Methods: This study was carried out in Konawe District at the farm level in Karandu Village, Anggotoa Sub District of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The research design was implemented to allow comparison between legowo 4:1 and legowo 2:1. 60 farmers who implemented legowo 2:1 and legowo 4:1 respectively, were selected. Moreover, 30 farmers who did not implement both 4:1 and 2:1 were selected as the conventional planting method. This research design was implemented in order to compare between legowo and non legowo planting systems, as mentioned above, 60 respondents will compare with 30 farmers in terms of yield and economic advantage. Lastly, in order to determine technological perceptions, a total of 150 farmers were interviewed. Results:  The study case results showed that direct seed planting is much more profitable than its conventional counterpart. The introduction of legowo 4:1 was highly significant in boosting rice production compared to legowo 2:1. In terms of perception, we found that the low cost and the availability of legowo are the most important parameters for the adoption of this technology. Conclusions: In summary, we recommend the implementation of the legowo 4:1 planting system to boost rice productivity. By reducing labor costs, the direct seeding method increased farmers’ income.


Local Goverment for Research and Development


F1000 Research Ltd


General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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