Fostering Inclusivity in the Clinical Learning Environment


Smith Teresa Y.ORCID,Terhune Kyla,Caniano Donna A.


Despite the Supreme Court’s decision on race-based admissions, academic medical centers, medical societies, and accreditation bodies remain committed to recruiting a diverse workforce. Many medical schools and graduate medical education programs created initiatives to expand their census of underrepresented in medicine (UIM) as the key to addressing health care disparities. As a result, an influx of an UIM physician workforce has entered clinical learning environments, often without consideration of the inclusivity of these settings. To create inclusive, safe, and comfortable CLEs, we must first recognize the challenges faced by UIM trainees, students, and faculty and the complex ways in which discrimination manifests. Ultimately, having inclusive CLEs allows all learners, especially those from historically excluded identities, to thrive in their training and working environment, making it essential to retain the diverse workforce necessary. Using case examples, we discuss strategies of inclusivity and ways in which we can maintain clinical learning environments where learners feel safe and supported through their training.


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