1. Lubbe N, Jeppsson H, Ranjbar A, Fredriksson J, Bärgman J and Östling M. Predicted road traffic fatalities in Germany: The potential and limitations of vehicle safety technologies from passive safety to highly automated driving. Proceedings of IRCOBI conference, 2018, Athens, Greece.
2. Östling M, Lubbe N and Jeppsson H. Predicted crash configurations for Autonomous Driving vehicles in mixed German traffic for the evaluation of occupant restraint system. VDI-Conference "Vehicle Safety" 27th and 28th November 2019, Berlin, Germany. https://doi.org/10.51202/9783181023648-365
3. Wang L, Fahrenkrog F, Vogt T, Jung O, and Kates R. Prospective safety assessment of highly automated driving functions using stochastic traffic simulation. The 25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2017, Detroit, Michigan USA.
4. Martin Östling, Christer Lundgren, Nils Lubbe, Andreas Huf, Philipp Wernicke and Bengt Pipkorn. The Influence of a Seat Track Load Limiter on Lumbar Spine Compression Forces in Relaxed, Reclined, and Upright Seating Positions: A Sled Test Study using THOR-50M. Proceedings of IRCOBI conference, 2021.
5. Filatov A, Scanlon JM, Bruno A, Danthurthi SSK and Fisher J. Effects of innovation in automated vehicles on occupant compartment designs, evaluation, and safety: A review of public marketing, literature, and standards. SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-1223, 2019. https://doi.org/10.4271/2019-01-1223